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PENILARGE is a combination of natural ingredients which will help you turn your sexual life literally upside down thanks to its strength. The multimode action makes you build your masculinity meticulously and in a complex way.

The end of complexes and frustrations.

Compounds present in PENILARGE are known to act on the circulatory system of the penis, which acts as a pump increasing its volume upon arousal. How? They regulate metabolism of nitrous oxide.

PENILARGE – the key to solving male problems

Thanks to development of knowledge about functioning of our bodies and many years of scientific research, solution to many male problems is now within hand’s reach.

Active compounds contained in PENILARGE:

  • help regulate the hormonal balance
  • support the circulatory system
  • increase blood flow to the penis
  • show toning action on the central nervous system

PENILARGE owes its incredible efficiency to the so called synergy effect, obtained thanks to appropriate proportions and the highest, continuously improved quality.

PENILARGE is a revolutionary diet supplement based on natural, herbal ingredients which will help you enlarge the penis to the size you deserve.

Thanks to many years of research and the development of knowledge about the functioning of our body, the solution of many male problems is for the asking.


• help regulate the endocrine

• support the cardiovasular system

• improve blood flow through the penis

• normalizing act on the central nervous system

The incredible efficiency of PENILARGE is a result of the synergy effect, which has been achieved thanks to the appropriate proportion and the highest, continuously improved, quality

Penilarge is a revolutionary dietary supplement based on natural herbal ingredients which will help you maximize the penis size you deserve.

PENILARGE caring for your sexuality

The newest scientific studies reveal that penis length is not only inherited, but it is also modified by environmental factors. Factors which may significantly influence hormonal balance:

  • diet
  • cultural conditions
  • environmental pollution
  • exposure to chemicals
  • stress

Low levels of testosterone and accompanying potence impairment are a problem related to an ever growing group of men. Clinical symptoms observed in such cases result in sexual organs deformation, including problems with erection and penis size.

Until recently, costly therapies or surgical interventions were reserved only for the most wealthy people. Men unsatisfied with the size of their organs had to battle personal complexes, lack of sexual satisfaction and depression. Incomplete masculinity was the source of deep misery. And the solution may prove to be simple, fully natural and bringing effects within a short period of time.

Penis functioning is influenced by a number of related elements. Thus, the best results are obtained using a complex therapy.

Erection starts after activation of erection centre in the spinal cord, which sends an impulse to sexual organs.

Penis is built out of a pair of parallel corpora cavernosa, corpus spongiosum forming the glans of the penis and of the frenulum. An impulse from the cord causes release of nitrous oxide by mesothelial cells and through nerve endings in corpora cavernosa of the penis. The arteries expand. Pressure within corpora cavernosa increases because of the blood pumped into them, the cavities are empty in a resting state.

At the same time, because of increase of blood pressure in the corpora cavernosa, veins are gradually closed, resulting in lower amounts of blood flowing back. The result of the changes is penis enlargement and stiffness.

Better satisfaction and self-confidence

If you are a man unsatisfied with the size of your penis, this feeling undermines your self-image.

Self-confidence is a key feature of successful people, not only in the bedroom. How many times have you pondered if you really gave her the pleasure she wants? Does she pretend?

Are you a man dissatisfied with the size of your penis and this feeling undermines your self-confidence? And it takes little to feel assured of your strength and natural power!


Regular, everyday use of PENILARGE will surprise you with its incredible results. In the first phase of use you will feel the initial effects of using the supplementation – a stronger, harder erection and increased sexual constitution of your body. Continue using the programme and the size of your penis will gradually increase.

Use 1-2 tablets daily, drinking water after taking them.

What can you count on later? All sexual impulses reach stronger a penis with an improved blood supply. The erection is harder and bigger and it is accompanied by an increased surface with which your penis will exert friction on the walls of your partner’s vagina.

The effect of PENILARGE action will result in increased stimulation,
improved satisfaction and cosmic orgasms.

If the erection remains, other mediators are released which expand the blood vessels and cause a contraction of pelvic muscles. The pressure inn corporea cavernosae usually exceeds 150 mm Hg, which enables the intercourse to take place.

The increased erection is accompanied by its stiffness and readiness for action.
Check out how it feels!!

Ensure pleasure and better penetration for your partner. Do not exceed the suggested dose. Remember that PENILARGE is a herbal product, a diet supplement and it may not be used as a substitute of a varied diet.

  • L-ARGINIA L-Arginia is a relatively exogeneous amino acid participating in the synthesis of the key compounds of orgasms such as nitric oxide (its precursor ), agmatine. It’s an amino acid performing a function of blood pressure regulator. Arginia takes part in the urea cycle and is said to be the natural precursor of ornithine. As it improves the functions of enothelium and blood supply, it affects the enlargement of your penis. Be careful: it’s crucial to remember that Arginia may influence the changes of kalemia, increases the level of stomach acidity and glucose. Don’t exceed the daily dose of the prepation.
  • PUNCTURE-VINE (TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS L.) Puncture-vine is a zygophyllaceae plant which contains steroidal saponins, plant alkaloids and flavanoids. Tribulus supports the process of testostosterone production and pituitany stimulation to the more effective production of lutenizing hormone. The high level of this hormone increases your sexual instinct and the capacity of corpora cavernosa . Be careful: Overdose may cause sleeplessness
  • LARGE FLOWERED BARRENWORT Epimedium is a natural aphrodisiac known in Chinese medicine for a long time. It increases libido. It contains icarine, which is a phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) antagonist, thus being a natural viagra equivalent. Additionally, icarine increases production of biologically active nitrous oxide and mimics action of testosterone. Icarine also shows a number of other medicinal properties, among others, it support proper functioning of heart-circulator system and of the immunological system and shows anti-cancer activity. The effects of Epimedium overdose include thirst, mouth dress, dizziness or vomiting, increased heart rate.
  • MUIRA PUAMA Muira Puama is a “potence tree” native to Amazon basin, it contains essential oils, plant steroles, triterpenes, muirapuamie – key alkaloid regulating smooth muscle tension in corporea cavernosa, sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes and alkaloides. This plant has been used for centuries by native inhabitants of Brasil in therapy of lowered potence and libido, a strong aphrodisiac. Improves sexual stamina and increases energy. Studies have shown higher efficiency of the extract from the bark of Muira puama over Yohimbe! Muira puama also prevents bodily weakness, acts soothingly on stress and decreases the amount of hair falling out. Side effects are unknown.
    Dwarf palmettes show anti-androgenic properties. They inactivate 5-alpha reductase catalysing transformation of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and reducing acticity of aromatase, takinng part in the transformation of testosterone to estrogene. The preparation also shows anti-exudative and anti-inflammatory activity. It lowers tonus of smooth muscles of the urinary tract, reduces swelling, excessive blood flow through the neck of the urinary bladder, improves elasticity of the urinary bladder tissue and patency of the bladder. Dwarf palmette shows diuretic and expectorant activity. It has youth-restoring properties. Side effects are unknown.
  • SIBERIAN GINSENG This already known in ancient Chinese medicine species of of Eleutherococcus contains eleuterosides stimulating central nervous system, increasing adaptational efficiency of the body, increase psychic and physical efficiency. They improve general well-being, have an immunostimulating effect, increase tolerance to stress. Eleuterosides amplify and activate detoxication processes and processes of removing harmful metabolites from the body. Regulates hormonal disorders, has a stimulating effect. It also helps in the states of increased mental and physical exertion. Helpful in circulation problems and lowered libido. Contradictions: Siberian ginseng should not be used be people: with hypertension, heart palpitation, nervous individuals, with insomnia and women during pregnancy. It is not recommended while using hormone-based preparations.

Guaranteeread more

We give the guarantee of the highest quality ingredients used for manufacturing PENILARGE.

PENILARGE has certificates confirming its legality in Europe

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